Recovery is like running a lifelong marathon – it takes planning, focus, strength and long term vision. Lori T is an example of someone with the spirit of a champion, successfully running her personal marathon with the help of experienced providers from Federation and other organizations.
Lori T was hitting rock bottom in 2015 when she found herself homeless and, once again, in the psychiatric ward of a hospital. Upon discharge, her case worker from the Institute for Community Living referred her to Federation of Organization’s care coordination services. The Federation Care Coordination program is part of a Medicaid Health Home which helps recipients access their bene ts and develop ongoing relationships with providers.
Federation Care Coordinator, Rosette Noyan, enrolled Lori and helped her develop a recovery plan with achievable, meaningful goals. Lori’s long term goal is to break the cycle of mental health crises and avoid future hospitalizations. Homelessness posed a major barrier to this goal, thus Lori’s immediate goal was to nd safe, permanent housing in the community. Following this plan – like a training program for marathoners – gives Lori hope and reinforces her recovery with successes, large and small.
The rst step toward success was stabilizing her mental and physical health. Getting to appointments, following care plans and medication regimens are common challenges for individuals in recovery. To address these issues, Ms. Noyan arranged for transportation to and from doctor’s appointments and coached Lori in how to take her medication correctly. She also needed material help, and Ms. Noyan found community resources to supply clothing and food.
These supports have allowed Lori to stabilize and reach milestones in her recovery. In May 2016, a housing opportunity became available and she transitioned to the community. She is following her medication regimen correctly and attends a day program near her new home for ongoing rehabilitation and support. Becoming a successful member of the community and reaching some of her goals makes her happier, healthier and more con dent in her ability to continue winning new phases of the recovery marathon.