When Laurie came into Supportive Scattered Site Housing in April 2016, she found it difficult to transition to independent living and was resistant to accessing services. However, her case manager was patient and persistent.
Eventually, Laurie began to realize and believe that other people cared about her wellbeing. She began attending the PROS program in West Babylon. Then, through the Residential Transitional Support Services provided by her case manager, Laurie began treatment with a therapist and a psychiatrist.
At every turn, Laurie found solace in writing about her recovery experiences. She wrote two articles that were published in the PROS Knows newsletter. In “Trash the Ash,” she describes her efforts to stop smoking. Her article “What Is a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and HyperVigilance?” discusses hypervigilance as a symptom of PTSD.
After the newsletter was distributed to PROS program participants, there was an increase in attendance in classes.
Laurie said that she was “surprised and excited” when she found out that eleven more people had joined a class after reading her contribution to the newsletter.
“Laurie is a perfect example of how Supportive Services can facilitate mental health recovery, and she has inspired others in her classes through her writing and sharing,” said Maria Saperstein, Program Supervisor of Supported Housing, team B at Federation.
Asked how writing has helped in her recovery, Laurie stated: “Journaling stills my mental chaos and soothes my spirit.”