10 Questions–Staff Chat
Name: Michelle Doublet
- Position: Program Manager, LCSW
- Number of years with Federation: 5 Years
- What is one thing you can’t live without? My Yoga Practice
- What is your personal philosophy? My personal philosophy is to live in the moment fully, mindfully; taking nothing for granted, learning through the challenges, allowing those challenges to shape you for the better and to simply trust the process.
- What three words describe you? Passionate, Caring, Understanding
- What do you do to de-stress? I enjoy fitness. Hot Yoga, the gym and hiking. I find it imperative to work out daily and eat healthy in order to manage stress as a whole.
- Where is your favorite place to be? I love being outside!
- How do you define success? Success is defined for me when you find what you love, what you’re really passionate about, and do it for a living.
- What is one thing we may not know about you? One thing that you may not know about me is that I am a national qualified fitness competitor.